Friday, August 21, 2009

A Heart So Lost, Save Him

Jesus, Lord, come take me in,
Leave me not to me,
From you too long, apart I've been,
Mine eyes, make see, but thee

Anger walls, and judgments blind,
Hearts that stray from you,
Take all this hate, and make it kind,
Slay lies, my Lord, so true

Worldly cares, work to distract,
Shining is your face,
Help us to see, and then to act,
Once lost, now found in grace

Walking, gaining, in the word,
Striving not to fall,
Praying, seeking, who've yet heard,
The One, true God, of all

Scripture saves, truth from His lips,
Grant your ears, Him hear,
Your world possessed, He does eclipse,
His light, His love, is near

Someday soon, pray we return,
To where, our hearts belong,
Endless embrace, no way to earn,
By grace we join the throng

It's not known, when He will reap,
Then rapture from this life,
Loved seeds once sown / now cherished sheep,
Brought home, and safe, from strife

I love you, my Jesus

A Prayer for Strength...

Wandering. Wondering / The thing that one can do
To make sense. To recompense / To show our love for you

Just one place, our goal, Thy face / These broke hearts, by You healed
Grace from Thee. All mercy / Sin's blocked by Your love shield

Jesus, Lord. Go toward / Confusion soon deceased
True belief. Brings relief / By you, all lies, released.

Thank you God. I love your life / When seen in my minds eye
It was so hard. So full of strife / None be so blessed as I.

I long to hear, from your mouth Lord: / The love you felt that day
Its beacon still, shines from that hill / no matter how we stray.

Happy tears, allay all fears / Lord, in you, how to worry ?
Never alone, when you are known / all concerns you bury.

Life is short, not long enough / unanswered go some doubts
The truth, the way, the life,that is / drenches any droughts

We pray unto, and yearn for you/ our lives your blessings fill,
We'll heed your call, the One who's all / bye flesh, hello Gods' will

Now as planned, Your realm at hand / with heart, soul, mind seek we,
Straight the gate, not long to wait / let's help those He can free!

Jesus, mine, this life in line / saved by Your crossed exemption
Never let, your sheep forget / to thank You for redemption

Help us, our Jesus, to hunger and thirst after your righteousness so that we may truly be filled. We love you, amen.