Saturday, February 03, 2007

Death to Molesters - Death to the Left,their partners in crime

The following is my response to this column by Linda Chavez on

2spothipshot writes:

Poor disillusioned Miss Chavez
Tsk tsk,can't you see where all these "wonderful breakthroughs" into a more enlightened society are bringing us ?

Look, the left enables and virtually legalizes child porn (here in Mexifornia,a most wise and wonderful lawmaker,Gil Sedio I think his name is,has seen to it that anything under 100 "pieces" of child porn is legal! Hooray for hell on Earth!). They are also working towards the day when one can manufacture ones own human being for "spare parts" ala the Mike J. Fox crusades. You see where they're going now ?

If the "privacy" protections imbeded in constitutional panundrums,or whatever the frick they call 'em, preclude a babys' right not to be torn apart,limb from bloody limb in the womb for the sake of his or her mothers convinience, how far can we be from the day when these freaks, who should be poleaxed in the public square, are spending taxpayer funds to create their own spawn to serve them ?

I can't help but wonder if the inertia of our current trend towards all things hell-fireish, hasn't already past the point of no return.If so, the sooner we ARE all dust in the wind the better. It hurts too much to watch my country grow as a blight on His creation.

Now, before you think I'm howling at the moon, just take a look around you. Yes,on the one hand there is industry on parade -convinience of living by all,the likes of which has never been known- and virtual miracles out of nowhere -the American Fighting Man and the virtue he spreads. But still,as Dennis Prager reminded me the other day,the questions of my childhood remain torturously unsolved. Not the least of which being: Why does not the wall, between the innocents and hell, exist unbreakable ?

Sorry to sound like a man overboard but it sometimes serves to say what's on my mind.

Carry on all you wayward souls, and when you get a chance,say a prayer for our children. God help them,not enough is being done to keep the very evil in our midst,away from their trusting,deserving of their Fathers love,innocent little souls.

Oh Joe McCarthy: Where Art Thou !?!

The following is my response to this column by Jeff Emanuel

Only when we are ready,as a nation, to actually defeat these seditionists in our midst, will the war on islamo-nazi-terrorism finally turn in favor of the side of good.

Kieth Olberman and the cowards who act as he talks, have the blood of Americans on their hands for their acts of sedition. There is no equivalent to these traitors in any successful American war effort that weren't immediately silenced and until we have the courage to do so,the side of good and liberty will continue to lose ground in this fight for decency and civilization.

Fellow patriots,I bid you,shame these haters of God given freedom that seek to bow before the vary evil that seeks to crush us with a hearty "FU! We will do what we must to defend the innocent and the good from the killers of liberty. And that includes identifying you for the ravenous traitors that you are!"

Go to hell leftists.Lovers of freedom everywhere grow weary of your destructive lies designed to break the will of good people.

If there truly is no threat and George Bush is the enemy, please just go and make a pilgrimage to the poor misunderstood "freedom fighters",as the host of "Softball" and Cindy Shehates has described them,and make them understand that the American people are on their side as you are want to claim constantly and let us know how that goes for you.

Everyone of common sense knows,unlike these same folks who demanded disarmement in the face of the Soviets,that there is only one side that needs to stop their aggression to make this all end - and it aint us.

You liars! You should be forced to face the results of your hateful anti-freedom speak.It,those results, are the constant suffering of victims like the 100 or so who died today at the hands of them that seek to affect the victory of your sick sentiments.

I suspect you would be driven insane if that reality were to penetrate your hateful brains.