Saturday, April 15, 2006

Another American Fighting Man killed by peaceniks

You'll remember that by March of 2004 the anti-Bush, anti-liberation of Iraq movement was in full swing and already emboldening the killers to do what they do best. Unfortunately PFC Sandoval got in the way of one of Sen. Kennedy's allies, aka: al qeda. Thank you peace activists. Thank you left wing. Thank you MSM. Well actually, may you rot from the eyeballs down. Unlike me, you'll not here his brothers complaining about it.

Fallen Patriot: Leroy Sandoval
PFC Sandoval was killed in a firefight while fighting insurgents in Fallujah, Iraq on March 26, 2004. He was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star for Valor.
Leroy volunteered to serve in the Marines and believed in the mission of freedom in the Middle East. Leroy was a platoon-mate of a Vets for Freedom founder. His family supports the mission in Iraq and and are supporters of Vets for Freedom.

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