Sunday, April 16, 2006

Senator Kennedy to enemy: Go ahead, kill us, we suck !

LCpl Quinn Keith was killed in action on 9/6/2004 near Fallujah Iraq. Quinn was from the Towering House Clan of the Dine (Navajo Indian) Tribe from Blanding, Utah.
Quinn's family are strong supporters of the mission to fight for freedom in Iraq and also fully support Vets for Freedom.

Ah yes, another one of the greatest and brightest that this nation has to offer was LCPL Quinn Keith whose body (if there is a God, his soul most assuredly, is walking in paradise) was destroyed by the life hating scum that is our enemy and all with the encouragement of several United States Senators. Witness if you will, the "profound" words of a true coward and traitor to the thoughts and deeds of patriots like Corporal Keith, who actually understood that being a freedom loving American means taking responsibility and not just packing as much hedonism into every second of ones life as one can. Take it away Senator Killerdy-"Shamefully we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management." Wow ! What a statesman. What a leader. What a pile of shit of a human being. It almost brings up bile to refer to such a colossal colostomy bag, such an entire waste of oxygen, such a complete and utter birden on humanity and the national alcohol supply as a "human being". Way to go Mass., as a French blooded native of your liberal confines, it is getting ever more difficult not to submit to the urge of hanging myself in shame. 2spot

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